Homebrew et al.

Blog about trying to make beer, good beer.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Hoppy Amber Brewed 1/28/06

I had some extras laying around and went ahead and brewed a "jambalaya" beer. They are:

4 # of light DME
1 # of amber dme
1 # of biscuit
1 # of special

1 oz of Centennials
3-.75 oz of K. Goldings

I added the Centennials at 60
Then the Goldings at 50, 40, and 30.

Brewed it up and boy is it a bitter wort. I had a pretty low gravity too (rechecked at 1.032). I hope that the bitterness will level out. I wondered if there were post boil additives (honey, maple syrup, etc) that I might use to level out the the hop bitterness but decided against them. I racked it today (2/2/06) and had a 1.008 gravity (ABV=3.14). I also dryhopped it with Fuggle type hop plugs which I initially made a hop tea by steeping the plugs in 165F water. I then stuffed the plugs and the tea into the secondary fermenter.


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